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Demography of patients, road-user and vehicle types, crash mechanism, usage of safety devices, injured body regions, injury severity, Revised Trauma Score, Glasgow Coma Scale, intensive care unit admissions, hospital stay and mortality were analyzed. We identified one of the two autacoid families from cell membrane phospholipids, that is, eicosanoids derived from some polysaturated fatty acids, in particular, arachidonic acid, which, after the action of enzymes, give rise to the formation of Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden Michal Grivna Full Text Available AIM: To study the mechanism of road traffic collisions RTC, use of safety devices, and outcome of hospitalized pediatric and youth RTC injured patients so as to give recommendations regarding prevention of pediatric RTC injuries. Tsvetaeva, V.

Andrés A. Pérez Ruiz Full Text Available Se realiza una revisión extensa y actualizada sobre los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos AINEs, con el fin de actualizar al estomatólogo en su uso. Para ello se revisan aspectos importantes del proceso inflamatorio en estructuras de la boca que como las pulpitis, presentan sus peculiaridades.

The author studies in depth the theory and the practice of translation with the example of several translators. In the article, several specific examples of diverse translations by K. Gamsakhurdia, M. Tsvetaeva, V.

Se identifica a una de las 2 familias de autacoides provenientes de los fosfolípidos de membrana celular, es decir, los eicosanoides derivados a partir de algunos ácidos grasos polisaturados, en particular, ácido araquidónico, que tras la acción de enzimas da lugar a la formación de prostaglandinas, prostaciclinas, tromboxeno A2 y leucotrienos.

Conocidos estos antecedentes, nos ocupamos de fármacos usados para combatir los síntomas y signos de la inflamación.

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Casi todos los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos utilizados en la actualidad, casi todos, inhiben las actividades de la ciclooxigenasa 1 constitutiva y la ciclooxigenasa 2, inducida en el sitio de la inflamación y con ello, la síntesis de prostaglandinas y tromboxanos. Se alude a la ventaja terapéutica de los inhibidores de la COX-2 que aparecen hoy en el mercado.

Se expone las dosis y frecuencias de los AINEs, sus interacciones, así como las reacciones adversas al medicamento y contraindicaciones, y se proponen aquellos que son de interés en la práctica estomatológica.

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Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Considerations about their dental use.

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An extensive updated review of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents NSAIN was made to give an updated information to the dentist about their use. To this purpose, important aspects of the inflammatory process in mouth structures like pulpitis that present with their own peculiarities are reviewed. We identified one of the two autacoid families from cell membrane phospholipids, that is, eicosanoids derived from some polysaturated fatty acids, in particular, arachidonic acid, which, after the action of enzymes, give rise to the formation of Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden Michal Grivna Full Text Available AIM: To study the mechanism of road traffic collisions RTC, use of safety devices, and outcome of hospitalized pediatric and Tervisliku kaalulangus kaerahelbed kaubamargid RTC injured patients so as to give recommendations regarding prevention of pediatric RTC injuries.

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Demography of patients, road-user and vehicle types, crash mechanism, usage of safety devices, injured body regions, injury severity, Revised Trauma Score, Glasgow Coma Scale, intensive care unit admissions, hospital stay and mortality were analyzed. Ejection rate was high because safety restraint use was Fat Burner Ultra Tech Modo de uso low in our community.

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