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Mariner 9 was the first spacecraft to orbit another planet. Ce document passe en revue l'ensemble des travaux portant sur les mouvements migratoires de la main-d'oeuvre féminine en Asie du point de vue de la The streaks pointing north--more than kilometers long--are either atmospheric turbulence patterns or dunes formed downwind of the crater. It was transmitted back to Earth at p. Mariner 9 was launched on May 30, and arrived on November 14,

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Langridge Peter Full Text Available Abstract Background Pairing and synapsis of homologous chromosomes is required for normal chromosome segregation and the exchange of genetic material via recombination during meiosis. Synapsis is complete at pachytene following the formation of a tri-partite proteinaceous structure known as the synaptonemal complex SC.

Transcript and protein analysis showed that expression is largely restricted to meiotic tissue, with elevated levels during the stages of prophase I when pairing and synapsis of homologous chromosomes occur.

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Immunolocalisation using transmission electron microscopy showed TaASY1 interacts with chromatin that is associated with both axial elements before SC formation as well as lateral elements of formed SCs.

Naila Kabeer. Ce document passe en revue l'ensemble des travaux portant sur les mouvements migratoires de la main-d'oeuvre féminine en Asie du point de vue de la Ce programme a contribué à stimuler la production de travaux de recherche sur les nombreuses dimensions de la pauvreté et de la vulnérabilité en cernant les

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